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Who is Scott?


After nearly 20 years of entrepreneurship, I've experienced a lot of high's and low's. 

I’ve scaled over a dozen of my own businesses past 7-figures. I’ve helped thousands of Entrepreneurs do the same and my work has been viewed by over 10 million Entrepreneurs worldwide. 

Today, I helped Entrepreneurs scale their business in way that brings harmony, freedom & fun. I'm excited to help you. 


One of the scariest things that haunted me when I was scaling my online business in 2016 and 2017? My reliance upon 2 single traffic sources.

One day, it happened.
My ad account got banned.

My revenue fell off a cliff, as I knew it would.
It took over 6 months to recover.

I knew I shouldn’t have made that mistake, but it was so “easy” so I kept doing it…

Personalized Assessment

At the end of the workshop, I will tell you exactly what you should do next and what makes the most sense based on where you are in your business.

All of this, for just $95. 

Plus, I'm going to really help you implement by giving you...


For Online Business owners who sell Coaching, Consulting, Courses or Information.

Understand how to scale your business with one of the most powerful marketing and sale methodologies on the planet

7 Q&A Sessions

Allowing you to get your questions answered by me no matter how big or small the question may be giving you clarity for what you need to do next.


You'll get access to our exclusive Community for just those who sign up for this 5-Day Workshop. You'll get to both connect with others, ask questions, along with other bonus content from me.

  • Ensure we’re getting clients and customers from various sources…
  • Ensure we're protected if costs go up...
  • Ensure that if a single source fails, it doesn’t hurt our bottom-line for more than a week…
  • Ensure we never get “banned” from being able to get new clients…

The truth is…

when it comes to generating more revenue in our business, most of the time we do what we know and what works…

We know we should diversify our efforts so that we can…

Over the past number of years, I’ve both used and have advised Entrepreneurs that have used almost every lead generation source on earth.

I’m talking about stuff that would make your mind melt…
But… in all of that time… what am I most excited about in 2023 and beyond? 

... you can get in front of your ideal audience via:

  • Email lists and newsletters…
  • YouTube shows…
  • Podcasts…
  • Niche-specific websites…
  • Social media channels…
  • Facebook Groups...

See… there are thousands of small “pockets” of people out there that need what you sell… but a lot of these people are difficult to target and reach via traditional mediums.

Yet… we’ve found these prospects are almost always willing to buy faster because sponsoring something is a value-first approach, instead of a direct advertising approach.

When you use sponsorships…

The first email went out and I gained 1,100 leads for 25X LOWER cost than what I’d pay for Facebook Ads.

Within 24 hours, I 5X’d my investment
Honestly, I was shocked.

Since then, I’ve been “all-in” on sponsorships and have helped many of those Entrepreneurs I work with along with companies I’m an owner, investor or advisor too implement this inside of their business.

In general, 100% of the time, when done correctly it’s created massive results.

I remember the first time I sponsored something with my personal brand…

It was for an email newsletter to get in front of 80,000 of my ideal customers…

But the problem? 
Doing it correctly isn’t “easy”...

So… how does it work?

For the Entrepreneurs selected for the intensive, will learn the following…

 How to structure sponsorships inside of your business and what type of sponsorships make the most sense.

How to use sponsorship traffic and how to optimize your funnels and build funnels that allow you to gain the most from this traffic and how to warm these new leads up easily and effectively.

How to implement an entire system to track and analyze sponsorships both on a short-term and long term basis.

The importance of intention vs. attention and how to utilize highly segmented audiences and traffic as it’s completely different than any other traffic you’re used to using.

How to hire someone to be able to implement all of this inside of your business that doesn’t need to come pre-trained or have expertise.

 Building your 30, 90 & 1 year sponsorship plan.

Where to find opportunities to use sponsorships that create massive leverage.

How to negotiate with those you are sponsoring and ensure you are creating the highest point of return possible.

 How to write the various sponsorship ads, build the funnel, complete split tests, how to read data and all of the technical “funnel stuff”.

Truly everything A-Z that will be needed to implement sponsorships as a massive part of your continued growth strategy.  

 How to structure sponsorships inside of your business and what type of sponsorships make the most sense.

How to use sponsorship traffic and how to optimize your funnels and build funnels that allow you to gain the most from this traffic and how to warm these new leads up easily and effectively.

How to implement an entire system to track and analyze sponsorships both on a short-term and long term basis.

The importance of intention vs. attention and how to utilize highly segmented audiences and traffic as it’s completely different than any other traffic you’re used to using.

How to hire someone to be able to implement all of this inside of your business that doesn’t need to come pre-trained or have expertise.

 Building your 30, 90 & 1 year sponsorship plan.

Where to find opportunities to use sponsorships that create massive leverage.

How to negotiate with those you are sponsoring and ensure you are creating the highest point of return possible.

 How to write the various sponsorship ads, build the funnel, complete split tests, how to read data and all of the technical “funnel stuff”.

Truly everything A-Z that will be needed to implement sponsorships as a massive part of your continued growth strategy.  

During our time together, it simply isn’t about learning, it’s about being able to “install” this as a system into your business. 

A customized plan based on you and your business so you are able to execute a specific strategy that makes sense for you, your business, niche and goals. 

Here’s everything you’re getting in the INTENSIVE: 

Bi-weekly calls for 6 months covering everything from strategy/funnels, managing/scaling, guest speakers and more to help you crush it. 

6 Q&A Sessions to help ensure you have full clarity on your plan, strategy and implementation. 

Mastermind Community to help you with questions in the middle, which will also be attended by other experts from my media portfolio company, Wisdom Media to help you have full clarity.

All of our templates, swipes and useful “stuff” that will save you hours trying to figure things out, reducing your time and energy.

Recordings of our previous 8 Expert Sessions with some of the top people in the space to help you understand how to use this in various verticals and platforms.

You’ll hear from Richard Patey who has been a broker and salesperson for sponsorships for sales for years, helping you get an inside look at the perspective of what you’re purchasing.

You’ll hear from Abdullah Ashraf who used sponsorships (and sponsorships alone) to scale his agency to over 40 people and successfully exit it.

You’ll hear from Jake from SwapStack.co, which is one of the largest platforms for being able to find newsletters to sponsor.

Among others who will give you a deep look into the world of sponsorship.

Lifetime access to all of this content 

Members area holding all of our pre-recorded lessons

In total, I’ve put together what I believe is everything needed to leverage sponsorships inside of your business and have this up in running and successful in less than 90 days from now.

If I had this when I started I could have saved myself millions in wasted “test” campaigns and hundreds of hours trying to figure out how to make this work.

And now you will get all of it handed straight to you so you can deploy it.

And I want you to be among the first to utilize this…

I’m putting my bets on the fact that Sponsorships will grow massively and as with most things the
first movers get the best results.

The truth is… most people aren’t able to make sponsorships work…


If we add up everything...

I know… sounds boring.. But it’s not.

Back in my agency days (pre- 2015) we would use sponsorships with great success, but at the time, it was largely for big brands…

But today, due to the way the web has evolved, the ability to use sponsorships to get in front of your exact audience and create awareness, leads and sales…

…and do it consistently, month after month, year after year, with minimal risk…
Is far better than almost anything I’ve found…


Sponsorships Intensive

…for Entrepreneurs who want to scale their business using some of the most effective (and reliable) lead generation available.

Further, if done wrong, it can take a lot of time and effort and most people don’t feel like the juice is worth the squeeze.

In truth there’s a LOT that goes into this working…
It’s not as “plug and play” as Facebook or Google Ads…
It has a different level of scalability.

However, if you’re looking for perfect fit, high-paying customers who see you as an authority. This is the most effective play there is…

And I want to help you do it “right”...

I recently acquired Sponsorships.com  and behind this domain we are building a brand to help educate and roll-up much of what is needed to effectively generate high R.O.I sponsorships for businesses that aren’t just 8 & 9-figure companies.

One of the most important things I wanted to do is to create education around how to use this inside of your business.

Thus, my elite Sponsorships team and I are opening up spots to join our Intensive.

This intensive is going to help you strategize, build and implement an entire Sponsorship strategy and get R.O.I.

Without having to figure it out yourself…

And while giving you all the shortcuts that will both save you a lot of time…

But more importantly help you scale.

Over 6 months we'll help you install our system, launch it and optimize a robust strategy that will work for you in years to come.

Further, I’ve built this so that no matter how large your business is…
Or how you currently generate leads and revenue… you can use it.

I expect we'll prep and launch in the next few weeks, then its optimizing and scaling from there. 
Our goal is to get this to a point where it can work without you, building more and more revenue each month and becoming even more valuable over time.

Not only does this boost your revenue, lead flow and awareness…
It helps diversify your lead generation & flow, without a crazy massive investment… and the beauty with this?

You don’t need expensive agencies…
You don’t need specialized people on your team…
You don’t need to “scale properly”...
You don’t need Facebook to “Approve” your ads…
You don’t need to get a bunch of people on your email list that will never convert to buyers…
And with the right training you can’t mess it up…

  • They can’t find the right media to be able to sponsor and so they waste their money…

  • They set up the wrong advertising, messaging, positioning and funnel strategy that creates an inability to get a return.

  • They don’t create systems and operational elements that are critical for the success of sponsorships at scale.

  • They don’t know how to negotiate for great terms and understand how to integrate sponsorships for high return on investment.

  • They don’t understand the difference between attention and intention and are tracking the wrong data.

The result?
Most people will try it once and give up or even worse, they don’t even try.

The value here is massive and easily worth $30,000.
And if you overlay this with the fact that you’re adding a new traffic and revenue channel within 90 days… one that will continue to work for you for years to come… the R.O.I becomes undeniable.

what’s the investment?

Way less than it should be…

(for the first 20 people, then $15,000 for the next 30)
Its not uncommon for folks to make this back in the first 1-2 sponsorships

For the right person, this is a drop in the bucket and is going to supercharge your business, quickly.

If you’re ready, I’m excited.

Yes Scott! I’m inApply NowApply to see if it's a good fit

Including the training…
The Q&A sessions..
The live Expert Sessions (which include Q&A’s)...
The Mastermind Community (to get direct feedback)...
The templates and swipes…
A personalized strategy from me to ensure you crush it…
The credit so you can hit the ground running…
6 months of support...
My entire Sponsorships team helping you...

Ready to get started?

All you need to get started is fillin an application form.

We have limited spots so we want to make sure we can help you get the results you're looking for.

Once that's done, someone from our team will reach out and have a quick chat with you.

If you're accepted, we'll get rocking ASAP.